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深港澳(国际)旅游产业交易会, 举办时间:-/10/29----/10/31 举办展馆:深圳会展中心;深圳市福田中心区福华三路深圳会展中心 乘车路线 所属行业:旅-业 展会城市:广东|深圳市 主办单位:国际城市旅游组织 承办单位:深圳市联合飞扬展览有限公司 协办单位:深圳市文体- 展会规模:15000平方米 举办周期:一年一届 官方-:.unifly.org 参观登记 展位预订 设计搭建 本展会所属专题:其他旅游展会(0) 展会简介 主办单位Or-izers:国际城市旅游组织 International City Touri- Ogazination;支持单位support units:深圳市文体-; Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture Sport and Touri-执行单位:深圳市中传广告有限公司;;;;; 深圳市联合飞扬展览有限公司;深圳市英-际文化传播有限公司Sponsors: Shenzhen Zhongchuan Advertising Co., Ltd.;Shenzhen United Fly Exhibition Co., Ltd.,Shenzhen Inland International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.,主题:;; 打造旅游品牌;;;; 推进产业发展Subject: Build a touri- brand & promote industrial upgrading‖背景概述‖在北京奥运会和上海世博会举办之后,中国的发展吸引了全世界的目光,越来越多的人开始关注中国,希望到中国旅游,认识和了解中国。With the success of the 29th Olympic Games (-) in Beijing and of the 41st World Expo (-) in Shanghai, - and - people start to focus on China, intend to take a journey to China, and desire to get to know and understand China.在国内,随着物质生活的日益富足,健-活方式成为更多人的选择。旅游是一种生活方式的概念已经深入人心。从低碳、环保的经济发展而言,旅游业的发展越来越受到全球各个国家、地区的青睐,都是-或行业团体极力推崇的方式。In China, healthy lifestyle has turned to be the choice of - and - people, with the daily abundance of people’s material life. Touri-, as a lifestyle, has been deeply rooted in the mind of people. For the economic d-lopment in a low carbon and environmental friendly manner, touri- has been gradually preferred by various countries and regions, advocated by governments or industrial associations.持续升温的巨大市场--中国国民出境游Gradually Increasing Giant M-et – Outbound Touri- of Chinese People我国出境旅游旅游业快速度增长,一方面得益于我国经济的稳定增长,连续多年高速增长;另一方面也是因为近年来-对主要货币的升值。Outbound touri- of Chinese people has increased raply in recent years, partially due to the steady and fast growth of Chinese economy, and partially due to the appreciation of Chinese - aga-t main international currency.中国旅游对外交往不断扩大,已成为国际旅游交流的重要组成部分和推动力量。目前,境外驻华旅游机构已达40余家,中国驻海外旅游办事处也已达20余家;中国与国际众多旅游组织,建立了紧密联系并陆续开展了一系列重要合作。中国公民出境旅游快速发展,已成为亚洲最大、全球重要的新兴客源大国。International exchange of Chinese touri- has increasingly expanded, which has become a critical component and driving force in international touri- exchange. For the time being, the number of overseas touri- entities stationed in China has been over 40, and over 20 Chinese touri- offices have been established overseas. China has set up close ties and initiated series of key co-tion with many international touri- or-izations. Fast d-lopment of outbound touri- of Chinese people has turned China into the largest source of tourists in Asia and important source of tourists worldwe in the d-lopment of touri-.高端市场(奢华旅游或豪华旅游)开始脱颖而出并形成一定的规模。高收入群体追求专业化、个性化、特殊化的体验,多选择远程旅游目的地、著名的度假地和特殊的旅游方式。与之相对应的是,许多海外旅游目的地和旅游企业也把重点入到开发特殊体验的品牌旅游产品上。如;高尔夫;旅游,从-的泰国、马来西亚延伸到南非和澳大利亚;到马尔代夫、毛里求斯的;蜜月游;、;金婚游;;奥地利的音乐之旅,法国的品质之旅,荷兰的赏花之旅High-profile - (luxurious or extrava-t touri-) started to stand out from the crowd and to form into certain scale. High income people pursue the professional, indivualistic and specific experience, and mostly select far scenic spots, well-known resorts and special way of touri-. Accordingly, may overseas touri- destinations and touri- enterprises focus on d-loping the special brand-oriented touri- products, such as ;golf tour; from Thailand, Malaysia to South Africa and Australia; ;honeymoon tour; and ;golden wedding tour; to Maldives and Mauritius; ;music tour; to Austria; ;quality tour; to France and ;flower viewing tour; to Netherlands.商务旅游持续上升---随着对外开放的不断扩大和国际商务、文化领域等交往的日益频繁,商务/公务旅游的规模越来越大,这个领域也开始成为中国出境旅游的一个重要组成部分,包括诸如会议旅游、展览旅游、奖励旅游、考察旅游、业务培训、社团交流、公共关系类旅游等类型,涉及-机构、社会团体、不同经济类型的企业等单位。Increasing growth of business tour – with the gradual expansion of opening up and the daily increase of international business and cultural exchange, business/official touri- have been expanding, which constitutes an important part of outbound touri- for Chinese people, such as conference touri-, exhibition touri-, award touri-, visit touri-, business training, social exchange, public relations etc involving government authority, social -titution and various kinds of entities etc.关于中国公民出境旅游的发展,世界旅游组织(WTO)曾做出了非常乐观的预测,到,中国将成为世界第一大旅游目的地国家和第四大客源输出国,仅次于德国、日本和美国而超过英国和法国,年出境旅游将达1亿人次,占世界总份额的6.2%。With respect to the growth of outbound tour of Chinese people, World Touri- Or-ization (WTO) once predicted optimistically that by -, China will turn to be the first largest touri- destination and the fourth largest source of tourists after Germany, Japan and the USA (exeeding England and France), by which time the annual quantity of tourists for outbound tour will be 100 million people accounting for 6.2% of the total quantity of tourists worldwe.根据美国旅游协会统计,2011年,中美双向旅游往来300万人次,其中中国赴美约115万人次,美国赴华212万人次。预计2015年,这个数字将达到500万人次。美国旅游协会荣誉董事会会长罗西&mdot;拉伦科特说:;未来中国市场将是一个极大的增长点,我们将会特别注重对中国市场的营销。;According to the statistics of the USA Touri- Association, mutual touri- exchanges in - between the USA and China was 3 million people, in which around 1.15 million people were from China to the USA, while 2.12 million people were from the USA to China. It is estimated that the mutual touri- exchanges will increase to 5 million people by -. Rosy La Rent, Honorable Present of the USA Touri- Association, alleged: Chinese - will turn to be a highlight in the future, so we will attach special importance to the -ing in the Chinese -.世界最大的国内旅游市场-----中国国内市场Largest Domestic Touri- M-et Worldwe – Chinese Domestic M-et中国旅游资源丰富,拥有壮丽的山岳河流,丰富多彩的民俗民风,奇特的动植物和数不尽的名胜古迹,每年都吸引着大批的国内外旅游者。目前,中国已形成世界上规模最大、增速最快、潜力最强的旅游市场。Touri- resources in China is quite abundant, including grand mounta- and rivers, rich and colorful folks and customs, unique animals and plants, and countless scenic spots, which attracted large quantity of domestic and foreign tourists -ry year. For the time being, China has turned to be the larges touri- - worldwe with the -st growth and grea- potential.旅游服务;-----中国的民航、铁路、内河及海洋客运、公路交通事业发展迅速,为海外旅游者来华以及在中国旅游提供了交通保证与方便。Touri- Service – rap growth of civil aviation, railway, Inland River and seaborne, and road transport in China prove assurance and convenience for overseas tourists to China and in China.自然景观;-------中国广袤的土地上有不胜枚举的奇山异水—高山、湖泊、峡谷、溶洞、瀑布,绚丽多姿。Natural Landscape – Extensive land of China is covered with countless mounta- and rivers, lakes, valleys and founta-, etc.历史人文景观----中国漫长的历史为今天的旅游者留下了无数文化古迹。长城作为中华民族的象征,已经成为中国最著名的旅游景点,石窟、岩画和雕塑艺术也是中国旅游资源中绚丽的瑰宝。-文化圣地从南到北星罗棋布。已达上千年历史文化名城100多座。Historical and Cultural Spots – Long history of China has left for us countless cultural historical spots. Great Wall, as the symbol of Chinese nationality, has turned to be the most famous scenic spots in China, while grotto, cliff painting and sculpture art constitute the magnificent treasure in Chinese touri- resources as well. Holy Land spreads here and there from south to north. In addition, over 100 historical and cultural spots enjoyed the history of over 1,000 years.民风民俗;--------中国56个民族的不同文化和生活方式异彩纷呈,民族节日各具特色。藏族最大也最有趣的节日之一—雪顿节(即酸奶节)、农历七月在草原举行的那达慕(娱乐、游艺)大会,云南西双版纳傣族人的泼水节等活动。Folks & Customs – 56 nationalities in China have d-loped various cultures and living styles, and national festivals as well, such as the largest and the most interesting festival in Zang Nationality – Sholdon Festival (Yogurt Festival), Nadam (entertainment and recreation) meeting in plateau in July (lunar calendar) and the Water-Sprinkling Festival of the Dai Nationality in Xishuangbanna in Yunnan etc.12月1日,《-关于加快发展旅游业的意见》指出:到,我国国内旅游人数达33亿人次,年均增长10%;入境过夜游客人数达9000万人次,年均增长8%;出境旅游人数达8300万人次,年均增长9%;由此可见中国旅游市场之巨大。On December 1, ;;;;;-, it was pointed out in the Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the D-lopment of Touri- Industry that by -, domestic tourists will be 3.3 billion people at the average annual growth of 10%, while inbound tourists will be 90 million people at the average annual growth of 8%, and outbound tourists will be 83 million people at the average annual growth of 9%. Therefore, the touri- - of China is very huge.深港澳介绍:Introduction to the Sponsoring City:把粤港澳三地作为一个经济体来计算,在亚洲区域内是排在日本、韩国和印度之后的第四大经济体。而与国际上公认的其他-经济区域相比,粤港澳紧密合作拥有一个独一无二的特点——-下三地的融合发展。这也使得粤港澳经济区域具有不可复制、不可替代的独特的整体竞争力。The economic entity comprised of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau is the fourth largest economic entity within the Asian region after Japan, Korea and India. Compared with other internationally recognized world-class economic regions, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau working closely with each other have a unique feature, that is, fusion d-lopment of the three places under the ;one country, two -s; policy. Thus, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau economic region has unique non-reproducible and irreplaceable overall competitiveness.;-新经济区域;——这是《粤港合作框架协议》在新形势下对粤港澳区域合作目标的新定位,也是对《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要(2008-2020年)》提出的;共同打造亚太地区最具活力和国际竞争力的城市群;、;全球最具核心竞争力的大都市圈之一;的深化和细化。多年的区域合作实践证明,;-新经济区域;的目标完全有望实现。;World-class new economic region;- is the new positioning of target for co-tion among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau under the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Co-tion Framework Agreement under new situation, refining and deepening the strategies of ;working together to build the Asia-Pacific region's most dynamic - agglomeration with strong international competitiveness; and ;to be one of the world’s most competitive metropolitan regions; proposed in the Pearl River Delta Region Reform and D-lopment Plan (---). Years of regional co-tion practice proved that the objective of ;being a world-class new economic region; is absolu-y hopeful.作为我国对外开放的窗口和全国最大的口岸城市,深圳2011年出入境人数已经超过2亿人次。无论是中国公民出境旅游、还是其他国家和地区人员来中国,深港澳地区是他们逗留、经过的必经之地,深港澳已经成为国内出行最集中的集散地。推进深港澳旅游业一体化发展,建立区域协作网络,打造国际旅游资讯平台,这是深港澳在全球旅游市场中不可或缺的一个重要使命。As a window of China’s opening up and the country’s largest port city, Shenzhen had a --border population of - than 200 million people in -. For whether outbound visitors or visitors from other countries or regions, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Maca-egion has become the only way which must be passed or the place they have to stay and China’s distributing center with the most concentrated visitors. It is an indispensable important mission for Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau in the global touri- - to promote integrated d-lopment of the touri- industry in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau, establish the regional co-tion network and build an international touri- -rmation platform.深圳属于-带海洋性气候区,四季温润、阳光充沛。城市绿化覆盖率45.04%,拥有;国际花园城市;、;环境保护‘全球500佳’;、;国家园林城市;等称号,并荣获;中国保护臭氧层贡献奖特别金奖;。 举办的第26届世界大学生夏季运动会,为深圳增添了全新的魅力。Shenzhen falls into the su-ropical marine climate with warm and hum seasons and sufficient sun-. Landscaping coverage being 45.04%, Shenzhen is granted the honors of ;International P- City;, ;Top 500 Cities Worldwe in Environmental Protection;, ;National Garden City; etc; in addition, Shenzhen was once granted the ;Special Golden Award in the Contribution Award of Ozone Layer Protection in China;. The 26th Summer Universiade held in Shenzhen in - added a brand new charm to the city.相信这个平台,可以促进各个旅游城市、区域的交流,让世界充分了解中国,让中国有更好的机会走进世界各个地方。;走出去,引进来;将成为不变的沟通方式。It is firmly beli-d that the platform will promote the exchange of various touri- cities and regions, and will make the international community know China better, ensure that China will have better chances to step outse. The strate- of ;stepping outse and bringing -e; will turn to be an unchanged manner of communicating with the outse world. 参展范围 ‖展品范围‖‖Exhibit Range‖旅游名胜:旅游城市,风景名胜,高尔夫球会,主题公园,滑雪场,海滨浴场,运动休闲场所,漂流,登山、森林公园,探险。Tourist attractions: tourist cities, scenic spots, golf clubs, theme p-s, ski resorts, beach, sports and leisure places, rafting, mountain climbing, forest p-s, adventure.旅游服务:航空公司,-,-服务,旅行社,旅游公司,定房定票服务,移动通讯,饭店、酒店、宾馆、度假村、-,旅游车船公司等。旅游出版物,旅游网络公司,山水、园林设计制作单位。Travel -s: airlines, -urance companies, bank card -s, travel agencies, travel companies, room and ticket reservation -s, mobile communications, restaurants, ho-s, guesthouses, resorts, car rental, touri- vehicle and boat companies etc. Travel publications, travel network companies, landscape design and production units.特色旅游:会奖旅游、旅游地产、养生旅游、温泉旅游、文化主题旅游、红色旅游等各种特色项目。Special touri-: MICE touri-, touri- real estate, health touri-, spa touri-, cultural theme touri-, red touri-, and other various characteristic programs.旅游用品:旅游商品、旅游帐篷、旅行箱、旅游服饰、野营用品、休闲用品、各种户外用品、观光游览车、电助动车、旅游运输工具等。Tourist goods: touri- products, touri- tents, luggage, travel clothing, camping supplies, recreational supplies, all kinds of outdoor products, sightseeing touring cars, electric vehicle, touri- transportation means etc. 参展费用 ;‖场地费用‖;‖Venue Costs‖; 展区类别Exhibition category 空地(36平米起租)Open - (36 square meters minimum) 标准展位Standard booth(3mX4m,12m2) 标准展位Standard booth(3mX3m,9m2) 境外企业Foreign enterprises $300/m2; or; - 1800/m2 $4000/12m2;; or ;; - 25,000/12m2 $3500/9m2;; or ;- 20,000/9m2 国内企业Domestic enterprises - 980/m2 - 10800/12m2 - 9800/9m2 ; - -;Contact :深圳市联合飞扬展览有限公司:Shenzhen United Fly Exhibition Co., Ltd.:联系人:曹玉洁;Contact: Ms Cao地址:深圳市福田区彩田路彩虹新都彩云阁14D; 邮编:518030 Address: 14D, Caiyunge, Caihong Xindu, Caitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen; 518030电话 / Tel: 0755- 61637284;;传真 / Fax: 0755- 83530231Tel: 0755 - 61637284;;;Fax: 0755 - 83530231Email: 134 174 56581@163 展位预定: 参观咨询: --> 由于本站部分展会信息来源于会员发布及网络,不完全保证信息的的准确性、真实性,如果您有任何疑问请联系我们。 。南平展会信息发布。
更多深港澳(国际)旅游产业交易会最新相关信息: 第二十一届中国(佛山)国际陶瓷及卫浴博览交易会,第二十五届长沙图书交易会,上海国际糖酒商品交易会,

南平展会信息 深港澳(国际)旅游产业交易会
